A step-by-step implementation program designed to help you successfully plan, create, launch, and sell your online course in just 12 weeks.Β 



A step-by-step implementation program designed to help you successfully plan, create, launch, and sell your online course in just 12 weeks. 


Have you been dreaming of creating a profitable course that allows you to scale your business and reduce your 1:1 client work?

You keep envisioning a life that doesn’t have you stuck behind a screen all day, delivering client work in order to get paid. 

You know that there's more to your business than just trading time for money, and you're ready to create a stream of income that allows you to share your knowledge and expertise with a wider audience while freeing up your time and generating scalable income.

  • ●   Free up more time in your schedule so you can focus on the things that matter to you, like spending quality time with your family every evening.
  • ●   Taking a few weeks off for a vacation without worrying about losing income because your online course is generating revenue even when you're not actively working on it.
  • ●   Pick up your kids earlier from daycare and not feel guilty about leaving work early.
  • ●   Wake up without the jarring sound of an alarm clock to a calendar packed with calls and deadlines.
  • ●   Enjoy breaks throughout the day to do things you love, like reading a book, taking a walk with your dog around your favorite park, or browsing through Target, with the confidence that your automated sales systems are constantly working for you in the background.
  • ●   Pay off your mortgage or other debts faster, and start building financial stability for your future.
  • ●   Have a profitable maternity leave plan in place for if/when you are ready to have your first or next child, without worrying about losing income during that time.
  • ●   Focus on achievable and relatable goals, not just the flashy things that other programs might promise.


can be the key to scaling your business and finally achieving the freedom and flexibility you crave.


You know creating a course can be a lucrative move, but it never feels as easy as just…

“Launch your profitable course in 7 days and gain the freedom to live on your own terms!”

(And that’s because it’s not!)

As someone who has helped clients create and launch dozens of courses, the process can be overwhelming and exhausting when you try to DIY it, with so many moving parts to manage.

Instead of making progress towards your first successful launch, you keep getting sucked back into the hamster wheel of marketing, booking client calls, working for said clients, and continuing to repeat the process over and over again.

It's time to break free from the cycle of constantly chasing new clients and feeling swamped with the daily tasks of running your business. You have valuable knowledge and skills to share, but you need a REALISTIC way to build out your course.

As someone who has helped clients create and launch dozens of courses, the process can be overwhelming and exhausting when you try to DIY it, with so many moving parts to manage.

Instead of making progress towards your first successful launch, you keep getting sucked back into the hamster wheel of marketing, booking client calls, working for said clients, and continuing to repeat the process over and over again.

It's time to break free from the cycle of constantly chasing new clients and feeling swamped with the daily tasks of running your business. You have valuable knowledge and skills to share, but you need a REALISTIC way to build out your course.


you’ll have a comprehensive breakdown of HOW to create, launch, and sell your course — even if you don’t have a big team,  a huge audience, tons of time to work on your course, or experience launching before.


You will get the tools and resources you need to create engaging course content that resonates with your students, and learn how to market and sell your course effectively with genuine urgency, motivating bonuses, and a bulletproof pitch.


"The way Aline helped me tailor my launch and marketing strategy spoke perfectly to my ideal student. The caliber and quality of people in the course was absolutely amazing! They're having so much success with the course, and SO much of that can be attributed to Aline's strategies and guidance. I cannot recommend Aline enough if you have a course you want to bring to life, and you don't want to worry or navigate the guesswork. Just let her tell you what to do so you can focus on creating the best content possible” 

— Kelly Mosser


but you don’t want just any course — you want a truly transformative and well-thought-out course that will make a positive impact.

One that allows you to enjoy the flexibility to work on your own terms and schedule, without being tied to your computer all day or constantly seeking new clients.

One that allows you to choose when and where you work, so you can spend more time with your family, pursue hobbies, or even travel.

One that is SO good and impactful that you have students asking you to create an affiliate link so they can tell their friends they “have to buy this program!”

As a full-time business owner, wife, and busy mom of 2, I know just how tight your time is, and that’s why this program is DIFFERENT.

Unlike the creators of β€œfamous” courses-about-courses who design their curriculum with a team of 20 employees behind them and no set timeline, I understand what it’s like to balance work, family, and a busy schedule. When you join A.L.I.N.E Method, you’ll have direct access to my expertise and guidance, tailored to your unique course and receive my personalized feedback. You’ll also be a valued member of a community, surrounded by other like-minded course creators who are cheering you on as you’re ready to launch.

and I’ve helped dozens of business owners create, launch, and sell their programs through my done-for-you services, and this is my exact blueprint that will cut through the overwhelm.

It’s not another program that you will get excited about, buy, and let sit at 10% completed in your inbox forever. It’s an action-based program that will provide you with a step-by-step roadmap to plan, create, launch, and sell your online course.

This is an implementation-based solution that provides clear guidance and accountability support to help you create, launch, and sell your course with confidence and ease! 

I’ll break down the entire process into manageable steps, providing you with the guidance, support, and accountability you need to finally bring your course to completion.  

It's time to stop spinning your wheels and start making your course a reality, so you can achieve your goals and impact the lives of others with our proven system and expert guidance.

Unlock the powerful and comprehensive guidance you need to create, launch, and sell your online course with confidence!

A 12-week action-based program provides you with a step-by-step roadmap that takes the guesswork out of course creation — no more wasted time or surprising obstacles.

With a manageable workload, realistic timeline, and clear accountability, you'll never feel overwhelmed or unsure of what to do next. Instead, you’ll have a breakdown of weekly tasks to make steady progress and build momentum toward your goal of creating a course that resonates with your audience.

By the end of the program, you will have a course that you're proud of, have welcomed in your first students, and created a new sustainable and profitable income stream that allows you to live life on your terms.


"Her knowledge of digital products coupled with her streamlined processes are unparalleled. If you want to create and launch a profitable course from start to finish, Aline is the person to assist you.” 

— Karly Wannos

Unlock a more scalable business model

You'll be able to scale your business and reach an unlimited number of students without sacrificing your time and energy.

Join a community of like-minded course creators

You’ll be part of a supportive community of other course creators who are all striving towards the same goal.

Grow a profitable online course 

From validating your idea to designing your sales page, you’ll go through every stage of the creation process with guidance and support.

Make a bigger impact on people's lives

By sharing your knowledge and expertise through a course, you’ll be able to make a greater impact on more lives than you could through 1:1 work.

Have more free time to enjoy your life

You’ll have the freedom to escape the cycle of marketing and client work, so you can spend more time with your family and prioritize what really matters.

Gain the confidence and skills to launch multiple successful courses

This program will provide you with the skills and strategies to replicate the process in the future for additional courses.

Unlock a more scalable business model

You'll be able to scale your business and reach an unlimited number of students without sacrificing your time and energy.

Join a community of like-minded course creators

You’ll be part of a supportive community of other course creators who are all striving towards the same goal.

Grow a profitable online course 

From validating your idea to designing your sales page, you’ll go through every stage of the creation process with guidance and support.

Make a bigger impact on people's lives

By sharing your knowledge and expertise through a course, you’ll be able to make a greater impact on more lives than you could through 1:1 work.

Have more free time to enjoy your life

You’ll have the freedom to escape the cycle of marketing and client work, so you can spend more time with your family and prioritize what really matters.

Gain the confidence and skills to launch multiple successful courses

This program will provide you with the skills and strategies to replicate the process in the future for additional courses.


β†’ This is not your typical course on how to create a course.Β 

It’s an implementation for you to DO and not just WATCH and absorb the information.Β 

This 12-week implementation program will give you direct access to me for accountability and support. You'll receive everything you need to successfully launch your course, including templates for copy, design, social media, and more.

This is the last investment you’ll ever need to make to launch your successful course.

The benefits of this program go beyond just launching your course once—you'll learn valuable strategies and techniques that will help you refine and improve your course over time, and confidently launch multiple times in the future.

My goal is to provide you with the guidance and support you need to confidently launch your course and generate passive income for years to come!

It’s about not only delivering information, but creating a transformative experience for your students.

If you’ve been dreaming of completing and launching your course, don't let another 12 weeks go by without making progress. This program provides the guidance and accountability you need to make it happen and achieve tangible results in a short amount of time. 

You will unlock the insights needed to create engaging course content that resonates with your students, and discover how to market and sell your course like a pro with genuine urgency, motivating bonuses, and a bulletproof pitch.

"Without Aline's structuring and guiding me along, I literally wouldn’t have been able to have my very first launch be as successful as it was. Cannot say enough about how much value she brought to my webinar and course launch!!” 

β€” Dr. Denisa Weber

Week 1:
Understanding your Audience 

In the very first week of our program, we’ll dive into understanding your audience like never before. You'll conduct validation calls, engage in conversations with potential students, and complete our powerful Ideal Student Worksheet. By the end of week one, you’ll have a clear understanding of your target audience, their biggest pain points, and exactly what results they are looking for in an online course. This foundational work will set you up for massive success as you move forward with planning and creating your course content.

Week 2:
Outlining the course and offer

You'll dive deep into outlining your course and creating an irresistible offer that your students will jump at the chance to enroll in. By the end of the week, you’ll have a solid project plan, with all of the details on paper, a name that speaks directly to your ideal student, and a pricing strategy that makes sense for both you and your audience. You'll also get your creative juices flowing by writing and designing your sales page in a visually stunning and engaging way that will leave your potential students dying to hit that "enroll" button.

Week 3:
Mapping Out The Launch 

During week three, you'll map out your launch strategy to ensure that your course is positioned for success. You'll choose the best approach to bring your course to the world and create a plan that will help you attract potential students. Additionally, you'll design and write your launch event registration page, which is a critical element to attract future students, bring awareness to a problem or situation that they are going through, and present your course as the solution. By the end of this week, you will have created your launch plan, with all of the assets you need to execute in the following weeks to make it a successful reality.

Week 4:
Content Creation

During week four, we'll dive into creating a powerful content strategy that will attract more eyes to your business. This includes crafting engaging content for social media and emails that will warm up your audience and generate excitement for your upcoming launch. It's important to note that this content is separate from your course content and specifically focuses on preparing your audience for your launch. By the end of the week, you'll have a solid plan in place for how you'll be promoting your course and getting your audience excited to enroll.

Week 5:
Write Your Course

Week five is all about bringing your course content to life, but it's so much more than just writing scripts and outlining slides. This is the time to wear your educator's hat and really dive deep into creating an experience for your students that will change their lives. You might want to pour yourself an extra cup of coffee because you're about to craft the content that will not only teach, but inspire and motivate your students to take action and achieve their goals.

Week 6:
Create Your Course

This week, you'll take your knowledge and expertise to the next level! You'll be designing visually stunning slides, recording engaging videos, and creating supporting materials that will  enhance your course content. This is where you'll turn your hard work and dedication into a polished, professional product that will set you apart from the competition. This is where you should celebrate -- you just completed one of the hardest steps in building a successful online business!

Week 7:
Refine & Setup Your Course

Week seven is all about refining your course and adding it to your course platform. You'll audit your course, fine-tune the content and assets, and make sure everything is in order. You'll then add everything toΒ the platform and create a seamless flow from the sales page to checkout, login, and the course itself. This is a crucial step as you'll be putting yourself in your students' shoes, making sure their path is clear and nothing is missing from their experience. By the end of the week, you'll have a polished and ready-to-go course that's set to impress your students.

Week 8:
Launch Creation

In week eight, you'll focus on executing the launch strategy you crafted in week four. This week, you'll write the launch event script, design the masterclass slides, write the script, write the sales pitch, and start announcing the event. By the end of the week, you will have everything you need to start bringing people to your funnel.

Week 9:
Registration Week

In week nine, you'll build excitement for yourΒ launch event by talking about it daily on social media. You'll also send targeted emails to your audience to increase sign ups. By the end of the week, you'll have a list of excited prospects who are eager to learn from you! Get ready to see your email list grow and your excitement levels skyrocket!

Week 10:
Launch Week

This week, you will deliver a value-packed launch event, send out the replay, and make sure everything runs smoothly. The most exciting part — your course is OPEN for enrollment! We'll focus on driving traffic to your sales page, creating a sense of genuine urgency, and encouraging potential buyers to take action. And don't worry, I'll be right by your side throughout it all to make sure your launch is a success!

Week 11:
Promo Week

 In week 11, you'll be in full-on promotional mode! Your cart is open, and it's time to continuously spread the word about the incredible benefits and transformation your course provides. You'll highlight the amazing results you're promising, and raise awareness around the cost of not joining. This is your chance to pull out all the stops and make sure your message reaches your target audience. Get ready to welcome more students into your course!

Week 12:
Cart Close + Debrief 

YOU DID IT! In the final week of the program, you'll have the tools and knowledge to analyze your launch numbers, and celebrate your accomplishments! You'll also assess what worked and what didn't, making any necessary adjustments for future launches. This is a time to learn from any challenges and set yourself up for continued growth and success.


With a long to-do list over the span of 12 weeks, I want to make sure you get your course launched and feel fully supported throughout the process! That’s why these bonuses are strategically designed to help you hit the ground running, so you never have to reinvent the wheel and start anything from scratch.

●  Β 45 CUSTOMIZABLEΒ EMAIL TEMPLATESΒ to invite, engage, and promote your upcoming online course. Tailor them to your style and connect with your audience during your launch.

●  Β A SLIDE DECK TEMPLATE IN CANVA FOR A MASTERCLASS, so you can use the exact template that I have used for my client’s successful course launches.Β 

●  Β A SALES PAGE COPY GUIDEΒ that will help you write compelling copy that will convert potential customers into paying students.

  • ●  Β INSTAGRAM TEMPLATESΒ IN CANVA.Β Posts and StoriesΒ that you can use to promote your course and build excitement leading up to the launch.
  • ●  GUIDE: 20Β PROVENΒ PLACESΒ TO PROMOTE YOUR LAUNCH EVENT.Β Elevate your visibility and ensure a successful launch.
  • ●  Β GUIDE:Β TRAFFIC BOOST BLUEPRINT -Β 50 Tried-and-True ideas to skyrocket the traffic to your course sales page.
  • ●  Β A 30-DAY FREE TRIAL IN KAJABI, so you can test out the platform and make sure it's the right fit for your course.

These bonuses are designed to save you time and help you launch your course with even more success. You'll have access to everything you need to create a professional-looking course and launch, and you'll be armed with the tools you need to confidently sell your course and generate interest among potential customers.

One payment of $497


2 payments of $297



The VIP Option is perfect for those who want an extra level of support and guidance throughout the program. With this limited offer, you'll receive a 1:1 strategy call with me, in addition to the course, to discuss your specific goals and challenges. We'll work together to create a tailored plan for your course and business, and ensure that you're set up for success.


($200 upgrade)

Clarified and validated your online course topic by defining your ideal student and choosing the best format for your course.

Created engaging course content that aligns with your goals, using the right tools and resources to design effective course assets.

Built and customized your student portal while testing all pieces of your funnel to ensure a seamless user experience.

Developed a launch strategy that aligns with your goals, and forecasted your launch numbers.

Learned how to sell your course effectively, with genuine urgency and motivating bonuses.

Understood your launch numbers and debriefed to prepare for your next launch, while nurturing leads that didn't purchase.


you will have a fully launched online course, welcomed in your first students, and will have changed the trajectory of your business forever!

"Not only is she a master at Kajabi (and I really mean MASTER), but she also understands course creation at its core and has a brilliant eye for design. Her advice, insights, and ideas during the process of my launch were vital."

— Anna Orenstein


With my guidance, you will be able to sell at least one course by the end of the program.

WithΒ my 12-week step-by-step guidance, you'll have everything you need to not only create and launch your first online course, but also generate real and scalable income from it.

You'll receive guidance on validating your course idea, creating engaging content, designing a high-converting sales page, and executing a successful launch. This program is designed to fit into your busy schedule and hold you accountable so you actually get it done. And, with my personal support, you'll have an experienced mentor to help you troubleshoot any challenges you may encounter along the way.

By the end of the program, you'll not only have sold your first course, but you'll also have a solid foundation for scaling your course and creating a sustainable stream of income. 

You can repeat this process many times to sell the same product but also use the same framework to create additional products inside your business! 

Just imagine how good it will feel when you see your first purchase come through — a true *pinch me* moment. Not only will you have validation that your course is valuable and marketable, but you'll also have taken a huge step towards a more flexible lifestyle by putting it into the world!


I have over 15 years of experience, with over 85+ successful launches, and most of my clients see an ROI after the first few days of their launch.

As a mom of a 3-year-old with another baby on the way, I completely understand how busy life can get. That's why I created this program with people who have tight schedules in mind. I have a thriving business where I work with clients 1:1, yet I still found the time to create this program for you.

I know it’s possible for you because I’ve done it myself, all while still providing my clients with top-notch, done-for-you launch support. After working with course creators for 4 years, I gathered everything I learned to create this program where I can share my method with you.

Through the 12-week step-by-step checklist and guidance, you will have the tools and resources you need to create a course that resonates with your ideal own students, and learn how to effectively market and sell it. And with my personalized support and feedback, you'll be able to tackle any roadblocks or challenges that come up along the way.

My goal is to empower you to create a profitable course that allows you to scale your business and reduce your 1:1 client work. I truly believe that you have valuable knowledge and skills to share with the world, and I am committed to helping you make your dream of a successful course a reality.


If you're not sure if this program is the right fit for you, I’d love to invite you to book a call with me. During the call, we can discuss your specific situation, goals, and how this program can help you achieve them. It's a no-pressure conversation, and my intent is to provide you with the details you need to make an informed decision.


This program contains everything you need to be successful with launching your course!

Imagine a life where you don't have to trade your time for money. Where you can finally enjoy the freedom to work on your own terms and schedule, and make a real impact on people's lives. 

With this program, you'll have all the tools and support you need to create a successful online course that generates scalable income and allows you to live life on your own terms.

Get ready to celebrate your own successes, and create a legacy that will inspire others to do the same. 

The freedom you crave is on the other side of this program. Are you ready to make it happen?